Unified Software System for Situation Maintenance

Purpose ans scope The Unified Software System for Situation Maintenance is designed to ensure the computer-aided functionality of officers of Military Authoritites regarding acquisition, processing and distribution of situation data during their combat and day-to-day activity concerning control of forces (troops).

It can be used for:

  • - organisation and planning of situation maintenance;
  • - acquisition, storage, processing and display of situation data;
  • - monitoring of situation maintenance.

Software and hardware platform:

The Unified Software System for Situation Maintenance runs in the Linux, Windows XP, Windows 7 operating systems.

The DBMSs are Linter-VS, version 6.0., and PostgreSQL, version 7.х.

As hardware at the Customer’s option, the following can be used:

  • - either industrial-purpose or office-grade facilities (Intel-architecture);
  • - special (Sparc-, Mips-architecture) facilities.
Basic functionality:
  • - Setup and maintenance of hierarchical classifier of situation objects.
  • - Setup of access of officers to situation objects.
  • - Setup of situation maintenance modes.
  • - Setup of reporting modes.
  • - Setup of control rules for information integrity and actuality in situation database.
  • - Setup of information patterns of situation charts.
  • - Situation maintenance by updating situation database by means of formalized messages (XML-files) incoming from interacting systems.
  • - Updating of data in situation database by means of replication of databases.
  • - Manual generation of situation data by operator using dialog data entry panels.
  • - Situation maintenance by special software.
  • - Situation maintenance in automatic and computer-aided mode by software update manager.
  • - Generation and maintenance of operational situation on basis of data from situation databases on charts.
  • - Generation and provision of information from situation databases (including reporting documents) to officers in accordance with access rights.
  • - Monitoring of modes for updating (acquisition) of situation data.
  • - Monitoring of modes of report generation, and reporting itself.
  • - Monitoring of data integrity and actuality in situation database.
  • - Keeping and display of situation maintenance log.

The Unified Software System for Situation Maintenance is set to a specific database and provides acquisition of data incoming through data flows from set of interacting systems, subordinate computer-aided packages on control structure, and entered by officers by data from different sources in accordance with specified organisation (mode for situation maintenance). The data is transformed into an unified form, located into database and used by information and calculation tasks of computer-aided packages and officers during their work. When processing situation data, a base of business rules, generated for different situation object classes and set to a specific control agency and period of situation, is used. Situation data is also distributed and submitted in accordance with a given mode and rights of users’ access.

The modes for of situation maintenance define a structure of updated situation objects, update rate, method and means, source and method of data receiving, and officers who are responsible for mode execution.

The modes can be manual, automatic or computer-aided and selected by software update manager, installed at server as a service.

The modes are monitored. Events related to the execution or breach of modes are entered in the log of situation maintenance.

Additional Materials:
