Operational and Tactical Calculations

Purpose ans scope The software is designed to execute operational and tactical calcualtions to justify decision elements of commanding officers (Commanders) and evaluate the efficiency of task execution by fleet forces. It provides a general organisation for information and computation process of fulfillment of operational and tactical and special calculations by Military Authorities of the Navy and performs an integrating function. The scope of the Operational and Tactical Calcualtions software is the activity of headquarters and day-tu-day (secure) command posts of various levels.

Software and hardware platform :

The Operational and Tactical Calcualtions software runs in the Linux, Windows XP, Windows 7 operating systems.

The DBMSs are Linter-VS, version 6.0., and PostgreSQL, version 7.х.

As hardware at the Customer’s option, the following can be used:

  • - either industrial-purpose or office-grade facilities (Intel-architecture);
  • - special (Sparc-, Mips-architecture) facilities.
  • - Solution of information and calculation tasks of model and procedure library.
  • - Receiving of simulation and calculation results when changing their implementation conditions (if different variants of assignment of source data).
  • - Implementation of calculation models and procedures used by Military Authorities, in different combinations and at different levels of detail.
  • - Comparative analysis of calculation results by several different variants of sourse data.
  • - Presentation of calculation results in the form of segments of corresponding document templates.
  • - The simulation results can be output to:
    1. - forms of graphic interface with the option of graph plotting;
      - e-chart;
      - a document of the Electronic Document Management;
      - a document of 'Office' software system generated based on a changeable template.
  • - When implementing the software, the following is provided:
    1. - separation of calculation unit (module, model) from:
      - dialog with user;
      - output screen and document forms;
      - minimizing of dependence of calculation modules from the database structure;
      - multiple use of separate calcualtion modules in different models and procedures by means of:
      - unification of model and procedure structure;
      - unification of models of one level of detail of combat operations simulation;
      - creation of model classifier taking into account level of detail of simulaiton of combat operations;
      - creation of base reference low-level library.
  • - Clarification and modification of low-level model algorithms without high-level models performance disturbance.
  • - Flexible, multivariant (by different scenarios) use of both the system as a whole and separate procedures by means of flexible “binding” of procedure indicators between them, and simple setup of both the system as a whole, and separate procedures for different use scenarios.

Additional Materials:
