Processing of Formalized Messages

Purpose Computer-aided processes of processing of received and sent formalized messages on combat control of forces (troops) from command control posts. Scope The system of formalized message exchange as per naval protocols is a hardware and software system ensuring processing and exchange of formalized data between Command of strategic, C2 and operations levels and task groups and individual persons.

Basic functionality:
  • - Computer-aided authorized generation, processing of formalized orders, commands (signals), dispatches and notifications, and their transmission to subordinate forces and interacting authorities.
  • - Receiving of formalized orders, commands (signals), dispatches and notifications from superior command, their processing and transmission to user display facilities.
  • - Generation of acknowledgments and reports with results of execution of received formalized orders, commands (signals), and their transmission to controlling object.
  • - Monitoring of execution of orders, commands (signals), reports by subordinate forces.
  • - Support of information fields with processed formalized messages.
  • - Processing of orders and reports (acknowledgments and dispatches) as per logic of order, acknowledgment and report interaction, entered into the system.
  • - Receiving, authorized generation, processing, storage, documentation and transmission of independent reports to display facilities (WSs).
  • - Acquisition, processing and correction of database with data on condition, combat readiness and location of own troops (forces) by formalized reports.
  • - Forced and on-demand display of data onto officers’ WSs taking into account their authorities.
  • - Protection of data against unauthorized actions.
  • - Call of instructions of C2 officers’ actions as per processed formalized commands, orders depending on message code.
Hardware platform, computing environment
  • - The DBMS is Linter-VS, version 6.0.
Customer can select the following hardware to be used:
  • - industrial-purpose or office-grade (Intel-architecture) facilities;
  • - special (Mips-architecture) facilities.
Possible Integration into Consumer’s Environment

The software is installed/integrated into software of naval systems taking into account typical lists of formalized commands (dispatches) and table of organization.

The adaptation to a particular Navy is performed due to setting of databases of lists of formalized messages of table of organization for particular Navies and Armed Forces.

Development Environment/Programming Language - Linux/QT, Kylix.

