Computer-Aided System for Combat Operations Simulation

Purpose and scope The Computer-Aided System for Combat Operations Simulation is designed to replay two-direction dynamics of sea combat operations of C2, tactical levels using computers.

The software of the System simulates:

  • - single submarines;
  • - surface ships;
  • - aircraft;
  • - task groups;
  • - C2 and tactical groups;
  • - deployment sites;
  • - shore-based command posts;
  • - communications objects;
  • - space reconnaissance and target designation system;
  • - fixed anti-submarine surveillance system;
  • - shore-based radar system for air and surface target detection;
  • - air missile system for continental anti-air warfare;
  • - communications system.
Basic characteristics:
  • - Space for simulation of combat operations at sea is not limited.
  • - Time of simulation is 30 days and more.
  • - Number of simulated objects (mobile and fixed) is up to 500 (for each type).
  • - Number of parameters per one object is from 80 to 150.

The following physical and information processes pertinent to armed operations at sea, are mathematically formulated and represented at computers:

  • - space movement of maneuvering objects of combatant forces;
  • - solution of given tasks by objects;
  • - search for, avoidance of detection, mutual contacts;
  • - tracking, output of direction data and target designation, object direction;
  • - data acquisition by force objects;
  • - data receiving and transmission by force objects;
  • - acquisition and generalization of data on situation at command posts of force object control systems;
  • - hitting of objects and change of their operation level;
  • - repulse of enemy attack; assault, attacks, participation in sea operations;
  • - mine setting; mine sweeping operations;
  • - transmission of orders to forces, generation of reports on results of force operations;
  • - supporting operations and measures.

The Computer-Aided System for Combat Operations Simulation is designed to ensure functional activity of naval authorities during the solution of the following tasks:

  • - early planning of operations (combat operations) of fleet, task groups and groups of heterogeneous forces;
  • - operational and tactical researches;
  • - preparation and carrying-out of one-direction staff and headquarters exercise using charts and war-games;
  • - preparation and carrying-out of two-direction staff and headquarters exercise with assigned forces.
Basic functionality:
  • - Step-by-step simulation (at given time discrecity) of physical and information processes pertinent to armed operations at sea.
  • - Calculation of efficiency measures for operations of opposing forces for each time point.
  • - Graphical display of simulated process progress using symbolic notation accepted for combat documents against the background of coastline contours of simulated battlefield.
  • - Distribution of data on simulated situation and control of access of simulation agents (officers and operators) to information resources as per assigned authorities.
Technical aspects:

The Simulating System is implemented using client-server technology. The server of the Simulating System is a central calculating and simulating station, the clients are operators’ WSs.

The central calculating and simulating station ensures:

  • - simulation of physical and information processes pertinent to combat operations at sea as per given parameters (equipment of battlefield, environment parameters, tactical and technical data of simulated objects etc);
  • - organization of data exchange with other elements of the Simulating System and control of access to data as per authorities of simulation computation experiment agents.

     The operators’ WSs ensure:

  • - display of simulated process dynamics in graphic form against the background of chart of simulated battlefield;
  • - control of computing process progress of the Simulating System at central calculating and simulating station;
  • - receiving of data on simulation progress in graphic and text forms;
  • - generation of intermediate and resulting documents;
  • - assignment, editing and storage of source data for computing experiments;
  • - preparation of graphic materials (presentations) for analysis of operational preparation measures;
  • - data exchange with the central computing and simulating station.

WS provides for setting of access (use, control) to appropriate information resources of calculating station of the System as per specified authorities of simulation experiment (war game) agents.

Hardware and software platform:

The system-wide software of the Simulating System includes:

  • - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 operating system;
  • - Linter database-management system;
  • - XML-based interfaces for interaction with calculating station of the Computer-Aided System for Combat Operations Simulation.

The Computer-Aided System for Combat Operations Simulation operates at WSs interconnected by LAN.

