Software Suite for Navigation Service Tasks

Purpose Computer-aided navigator’s activity. Scope Computer-aided C2 systems for warships and computer-aided control systems for civil ships.

Basic functionality:
  • - Сalculation of surveillance for given coordinates.
  • - Direct and reverse geodesic tasks.
  • - Direct and reverse reckoning tasks.
  • - Calculation of reckoning accuracy factor.
  • - Support of database for navigator’s tables.
  • - Calculation of the most probable position.
  • - Support of navigation log.
  • - Calculation of maneuver parameters for future turn.
  • - Conversion of geographic Mercator-projection coordinates into plane rectangular coordinates and vice versa.
  • - Calculation of coordinates and display of own ship’s position on e-chart for given forecast interval.
  • - Forecast and display of own ship’s motion trajectory during maneuvering on e-chart.
  • - Monitoring of own ship’s position relative to given point on e-chart.
  • - Measurements on e-chart.
  • - Calculation of current traverse distance to reference point.
  • - Account of total own ship’s drift when generating recommended courses and speed.
  • - Conversion of calculated point coordinates for different systems.
  • - Estimation of expectation and variance of navigation measurement series.
  • - Calculation of water-height change schedule in a point for given date.
  • - Support of database for tide points.
Mathematics State Research Navigation Hydrographic Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Hardware platform Intel
Operating system Linux
Manufacturer Federal Research-and-Production Center Open Joint-Stock Company ‘Research-and-Production Association ‘Mars’

