Software Suite for Generation of System Navigation E-CHART and ITS Display on WSs

Purpose Information support for and task solution by WS operator against the background of chart. Scope Computer-aided C2 systems for warships and computer-aided control systems for civil ships.

Basic functionality:
  • - Display of navigation e-chart on WS indicator taking into account mode of processed data display (true or relative movement).
  • - Generation of cartographic information by geographic coordinates of own ship and selected scale of processed situation display in relative movement mode. Cartographic information is cyclically changed as per given parameters of ship’s motion.
  • - Display of cartographic information in true movement mode on basis of Admiralty number, selection of any chart area and its subsequent extension for all the situation field of WS indicator. Own ship is displayed in accordance with given geographic coordinates.
  • - Overlapping of cartographic and processed situation information.
  • - Selection of displayed information components: shoreline, isobaths, depth marks, filling of isobaths. Displayed information components are selected by operator by means of respective command entry from control console.
  • - Supply of cartographic information for calculation tasks, which is used for automatic and computer-aided account of navigation restrictions.
  • - Possible generation and editing of user layers.
Mathematics State Research Navigation Hydrographic Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Hardware platform Intel
Operating system Linux
Manufacturer Federal Research-and-Production Center Open Joint-Stock Company ‘Research-and-Production Association ‘Mars’

